March 5, 2008

On the Road - Days 3 and 4

I have to do a little catch up on the blog.

I got to Omaha on Day 2 and have been here since. I decided to stay over a few days to be with my sister when she had her third baby, which was this afternoon!

The timing of my trip couldn't have been more perfect. I haven't seen any of my nephews this soon after being born, so this was a real treat.

So, the past couple days I've just been hanging out with my family and waiting for baby Judd to arrive.

Clearly, the nephew is the most exciting news, but here's a quick run down on some other notable news from the last two days:
- I received a new credit card yesterday. I now have the ability to make the rest of my trip on my own dime.
- I have clean laundry! This is significant since I've had a limited pool of items to choose from and I've reached the limit on how long a person should wear some things...
- Sadly, Planty will likely need to be culled. He got a little cold sitting in the car yesterday and some of the older leaves are pretty droopy, probably not recoverable. (I'm pretty sure everyone knows who Planty is, but just in case: he's the enormous Little Shop of Horrors-esq plant I've had for nearly 31 years now. My dad brought him in to the delivery room when I was born and we were both just wee things. We've grown up together - he's come everywhere with me - and I know I will feel pain every time I clip and separate his leaves.)

I'll be back on the road tomorrow for Laramie! More posts to come!

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