I think the last time I was in Estes I was maybe in junior high and Todd had never been there. I made reservations at a cute little cabin and we loaded up the dogs and took off!
Truthfully, we didn't walk around downtown as much as I was hoping, but it's only because we were having too much fun at the reception.
And after the reception...
The next morning we had a little photo shoot with the dogs at the cabin before getting on with our day...
Me with the dogs...
Todd with the dogs...
Next...breakfast downtown Estes then the famed Stanley Hotel...!
It is absolutely stunning inside the Stanley. Here's Todd in the hotel lobby...
Todd and I outside the Stanley with the Rockies behind us...
Game warden Todd with elk just roamin' the hotel grounds...
I asked Todd if it sort of made him crazy that he has to put so much effort into hunting an elk in fall and here they are, lounging at a glitzy old hotel right out in the open. He said yes...
Come on, now...you know you shouldn't chase wildlife! haha...Doesn't Todd's pose look kind of like he's playing air guitar...?
On to Rocky Mountain National Park! We had to wait only a little bit at the entrance...
Another elk! This guy and a partner actually stopped traffic as they lollygagged across the road...
About 35 miles out there is Wyoming...
More wildlife! A young moose...
Another young moose closer to the road. Unlike his elk buddies above, this one didn't care so much for the cars pulled over to watch him...
On the other side of the park we stopped in the town of Grand Lake for lunch...
And stopped again in Walden, Colo., for a snack. The funniest thing...that store behind Todd is called Island something or other and was pumping Hawaiian sounding music out on to the street...
After this it was a straight shot home.
Mountains, scenery, fun with friends... what a great weekend, huh?